Máte chuť stát se nepostradatelnou součástí společenské akce, která fascinuje vzděláváním? Pak je tu možnost individuálního dárcovství pro Academia Film Olomouc – festivalu, který z vědy dělá strhující podívanou.
Make a future with us! We are launching AFO stars for 2019
Many thanks to all who contributed to #AFO53, we really appreciate it.
Now, it’s time to gaze into the future!
You can support AFO throughout the entire year.
Do you want to become an essential part of a social event which captivates its visitors with education? You may make an individual donation to Academia Film Olomouc – a Festival which turns science into a thrilling spectacle.
Once you decide to contribute any amount of your choosing to AFO 2019, you will become an everlasting star in the Festival’s sky – an indispensable part of the vibrant AFOrganism.
To the Festival’s operation, its programme and organisation. We are already working on the exclusive programme section selection for you. We also want to support the sections with a solid number of great documentaries and invite several brilliant scientists. We have to pay for their tickets and accommodation as well as for the screening rights of the films. Your financial contribution makes us feel more confident and certain that everything we have planned for AFO 2019 will be unforgettable for all involved.
The entire Festival! Six utterly cosmic days with films and science. We will personally provide you with the accreditation for the entire Festival program. And by the way, we weren’t joking about the sky. Before each Festival screening, the film screen will show a starry sky shining with your name. The same starry sky will be presented on our website
and in the official catalogue.
Take care, we look forward to seeing you! On behalf of the Academia Film Olomouc team, Nela Beislová
Follow our social sites and explore our web to find out more about the programme. We will supply you with science dose by dose until the climax comes – AFO60.
Arts Centre of Palacký University
Academia Film Olomouc
Univerzitní 225/3
779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
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